Sleep Disturbance and Weight Gain: Understanding the Connection


Of all the positive directions Americans are going in, getting enough good sleep isn’t one of them. The state of sleep in the United States continues to decline…


Sleep and your body


When your head hits the pillow at night, the link between sleep and your body likely doesn’t cross your mind. Sleep regulates a wide variety of body processes…


Sleep loss increases risk of obesity


It’s no longer a debate. We now know, through clinical data, that failing to get enough sleep raises your risk for weight gain…


Insufficient sleep makes you hungrier


Getting restful sleep helps regulate the hunger-related hormones leptin and ghrelin…


Lack of sleep makes you crave unhealthy foods


Not only does getting lousy sleep make you eat more the next day, it also increases the likelihood that you’ll eat unhealthy foods…


Poor shuteye leads to unhealthy snacking


As if choosing unhealthy foods at your main meals isn’t bad enough, failing to get quality sleep increases cravings for unhealthy snacks between meals…


A lousy night’s rest increases risk for insulin resistance


Insulin is a major energy-regulating hormone. It keeps your blood sugar levels stable and plays a role in how your body uses energy…


Here at Wellness at Century City, Dr. Cho helps patients lose weight and improve their health through safe and effective treatments…

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