How Hormone Imbalances Can Hinder Your Efforts to Lose Weight

When it comes to the weight loss mantra, “Eat less, exercise more,” it’s not always that simple. While getting plenty of exercise and following a nutritious diet are key to managing weight, for some people it’s their hormones, not calories and willpower, playing tricks on them. Misfiring hormones can wreak havoc on your ability to slim down. What’s more, most people are completely unaware that a hormone imbalance is the cause of their weight loss resistance.

Here’s a look at hormones and how they can cause you to pack on the pounds when they’re out of balance.


Think of leptin as the hormone that tells you to put the fork down. Under normal circumstances, this appetite-regulating hormone produced by your fat cells circulates in your blood, where it reaches the brain and signals that you’re full…


The stress hormone cortisol can throw a wrench into your weight loss efforts when it’s coursing through your veins unimpeded…

Thyroid hormone

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck. Although small, this gland is mighty…

Sex hormones

Fertility isn’t the only thing sex hormones influence. Low levels of estrogen in women and testosterone deficiency in men can cause weight gain and weight loss resistance…

Dr. Cho uses bioidentical hormones to replace the hormones you’re missing. Bioidentical hormones act in your body the same way your natural hormones do, and your body can’t distinguish between the two. Hormone replacement therapy in those who are deficient is shown to produce significant and sustained weight loss.

If you’re experiencing weight loss resistance despite your best efforts, you may have a hormonal imbalance. To get to the bottom of your weight management issues, call us at Wellness at Century City or book online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cho.

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